
GIS Day Celebration 2024

After a successful first meeting in collaboration with GISMO at the end of October, we have joined forces with The Mappy Hour for a GIS Day celebration where three GIS organizations will get together for an informal meeting, which you can attend by RSVPing on this form .

Tentative Happy Hour Meeting on May 21

 We plan to meet at Flute Midtown. A minimum of three current chapter members must RSVP for the event to take place. We hope to see you there!

Only Three Spots Left for the Hike on Saturday, August 19, Starting in Manhattan

This time we are joining members of Mappy Hour on a hike to the Long Path, a trail from Manhattan to the Adirondacks, maintained by New York New Jersey Trail Conference . A few of our chapter's board members will be attending. Consider joining our mailing list to be notified of our future meetings (check the menu on the left for the form.) We hope to see you soon!

Conference After-Party, Our First Hike This Year, and Our Instagram Account

  As the outdoors season progressed, we became increasingly restless and started envisioning long-awaited in-person meetings and hikes. The organizers met last week in Manhattan's Hell's Kitchen district for a happy-hour catching-up and planning get-together, which proved to be especially productive since we now have two set upcoming events and a couple of other ones in work: A hike! We are excited to explore Harriman State Park, and our colleagues in the Hudson Valley Chapter might join us. A conference after-party at Flute Midtown. Discuss the online annual conference proceedings happening this year between July 6 and 8. What are the benefits of joining SCGIS? What inspired you? What would you like to see and learn about, and what technical workshops you would find most useful? Join this networking event to find out. We are also announcing the launch of our Instagram account where we will host photos and videos taken during our events. There are at least two other hikes p...

Second Online Joint Meeting with the Hudson Valley Chapter

This Wednesday we are holding our second online joint meeting, spearheaded by the Hudson Valley Chapter. To receive the agenda and meeting link, join our mailing list (click the three lines in the upper left corners and scroll down). There will be lightning talks and break-out groups. Topics include the trail databases of NY and NJ. We look forward to receiving your input. Image credit: Alina Tarmu - Salt Marsh in Stony Brook, NY

A First Joint Meeting with the Hudson Valley Chapter

  The Hudson Valley and NY/NJ chapters are happy to announce their first joint meeting, taking place Wednesday, January 26, at 3 PM EST, on Zoom. The meeting is hosted by the Hudson Valley Chapter, whose organizers approached us a few weeks ago with this initiative, much to our joy. Both our chapters’ organizing committees members have been discussing lately a few online as well as in-person activity ideas in which our members would be interested this year, and the agenda looks exciting. Email us for details if interested in attending.

GIS Day 2021 - Celebration at Bedford Falls

We are planning an in-person networking event at our former meeting place, Bedford Falls. This event is registered on, so we will be giving away five free ESRI licenses for personal use. The rules for the raffle are mentioned in the Meetup event. We greatly enjoyed our October hike in Brooklyn Botanic Garden  and we planned more ambitious hikes for next year. We are also considering transferring our event announcements to Eventbrite . This event is a chance for new potential members of our chapters to get to know us better and forge new collaborations in the field of conservation GIS. Please note that you will need to RSVP on Meetup one week ahead for reserved seating, there is a ten person maximum, and proof of vaccination is required.