
Showing posts from January, 2020

February 11 Meeting

SCGIS NY/NJ made new friends and gained a few new members at our December and January meetings. We had some interesting conversations about GIS careers. A few of us are in need of mentorship and are weighing the advantage of internships - the importance of choosing them wisely. Others are excited by the increasing availability of remote work in this field. An important topic was the importance of being a paying member of professional organizations. SCGIS has proved particularly auspicious in this regard for a few of us hired as satellite imagery experts for National Geographic Society , an opportunity provided through SCGIS . During the last meeting, the conversation converged on the subject of project portfolios. We had the idea of having a theme for every meeting, and this one seemed opportune for the February  edition. How many of us have GIS portofolios or are currently working on them? How many of us need portfolio ideas, reviews, critiques, collaborators? How many of us need per